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Nice to meet you!

Hello, I am Angelina
the one behind Lille Fingers

Former graphic designer and a mom of two active daughters (8yo & 4yo) who loves preparing my girls party packs yearly before started Lille Fingers. 

What is in a name...

At the first glance when you google Lille, it will appear as a city in the northern part of France, in French Flanders. But that not what Lille means in Lille Fingers.


I choose Lille in Danish languange means little or small, so Lille Fingers is the same meaning with “Little Fingers”. Then why I do not use “Little Fingers” and go with Lille Fingers instead? the answer is by the time I started, “Little Fingers” was taken and I need to think other word that short, simple and hold same meaning.

How I started...

Every parents know how challenging parenting and working during pandemic was. It was happen when my youngest born. As a full-time working mother without village surround me, I felt burn out with high-stress level.


It did not getting better when the restriction lifted as many companies intend to push more sales and demands to “catch up” their losses during pandemic. To reduce my stress-level, I started Lille Fingers something that I passionately do, design and make.


The first idea was “activity box” that contain many doubts how I will did this with zero social media selling. Same as most of the seller who get their first order, I did a happy dance and trembling when I sold my very first ever box!


Start from that day, many of you have been asking about what  party packs I have.

This make me think hard what I could offer and do in my limited time (remember, Lille Fingers was not my primer job).


When the company was demanding much more things than I could handle, it was time to go and take a leap of faith to make Lille Fingers as my full-time job and here I am today! 

Our mission...

At Lille Fingers, we believe that children learn best when they are interested and engaged. Using children's interests as the basic of our design helps to ensure that learning is not to be boring but also meaningful.


Our mission was clear “to make your child’s learning journey more fun and exciting”. With understanding that each child has their own pace to learn, we offer customised and personalised that cover both party packs and learning pack (single set).

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Let’s Work Together

Any ideas or inquiries? Feel free to contact me here!

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